You’ve got a final draft of your poem/short story/essay and you’re ready to send it out into the world. How do you get it published? This workshop will take participants through the lit mag/journal submission process step by step. We’ll navigate finding the right publications for your work and discuss the importance of reading and following submission guidelines. Participants will create a Submittable account and learn how to navigate the platform. We’ll read examples of cover letters and bios, and participants will write their own. From rejections to acceptances, from contests to contracts, this workshop will provide participants with a solid foundation of important knowledge for breaking into the publishing world, leaving them with a long list of lit mags and journals (local and national) to submit to, as well as the confidence to do so.
This is a one-time, in-person workshop. Register
$60 General, $10 Camden residents & Rutgers-Camden students
About the instructor: Jackie Domenus (she/they) is a queer writer from South Jersey. Their first book, NO OFFENSE: A MEMOIR IN ESSAYS, will be published with ELJ Editions in 2025. A 2021 Tin House Winter Workshop graduate, Jackie’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Offing Mag,The Normal School, Pidgeonholes, Foglifter Journal,Variant Lit, Entropy, Hooligan Mag, Bullshit Lit’s Second Anthology, and more. She currently serves as a publishing assistant for Guernica Magazine and has previously held editorial and coordinator roles at Glassworks Magazine and Philadelphia Stories.
Date & Time
March 23, 2024
1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Writers House
first floor
305 Cooper St.
Camden, NJ
Admission Information
Register at link above
Sienna Zeilinger