“Outside the Wire” is a literary exhibit and magazine based out of Rutgers-Camden. Our purpose is to give veterans, service members, and military families with ties to South Jersey a platform to express themselves and find their voices—whether that is through prose, poetry, art, or the spoken word. 



We will be accepting submissions from October 5, 2024 to February 14, 2025.

We are currently accepting previously unpublished work from veterans, service members, and military families with ties to South Jersey in the following mediums that deal with the theme of GRIEF:

  • Short fiction and essays (up to 5,000 words)
  • flash fiction and essays (Up to 1,000 words each)
  • Poetry (Up to 3 poems)
  • Digital Paintings
  • Photographs (including photographs of a separate art piece you’ve made, such as a painting or sculpture)
  • Spoken word (Up to 5 minutes in length)

With GRIEF we are looking for writing which captures all of the emotions and experiences associated with grief, even if they feel unconventional. Whether it’s an exploration of one of the five stages of grief, or a meditation on a particular, small moment, a reflection of grief’s wider meaning in society, or an unexpected encounter with a different emotion when grief was expected, we would love to read your short fiction, flash fiction, creative nonfiction, or poetry, or listen to your spoken, and look at your art.

We invite work that broadly interprets our theme. You are welcome to make multiple submissions (limit of 3) which can be of the same or different genres. 



All submissions should include a statement declaring that no generative artificial intelligence was used in the creation of the work. 



Please email your submission to writers@camden.rutgers.edu.

  • The subject of your email should say “Outside the Wire Exhibit Submission” followed by your name.
  • Written pieces should be submitted in .doc or .docx format, visual pieces should be formatted as .png or .jpg files, and audio pieces should be submitted as .mp3s.
  • Please include your name and the title of your piece in the name of the file.
  • In the body of the email, please also provide some additional background information on yourself, including your ties to South Jersey and your military connection; some thoughts or context for the piece you are submitting; and your AI statement declaring that no generative artificial intelligence was used in the creation of the work.
  • If you are sending multiple submissions, please send a new email for each submission.

We look forward to seeing your work and to sharing it with our community!